function circuit_demo(s, rulen, norm_method) % CIRCUIT_DEMO(s, rulen, norm_method) % % Demonstration of basic circuit described in % 'Sensory Optimization by Stochastic Tuning'. % % Keyboard controls: % '1' - location (toggle between methods of input spike combination) % '2' - both % '3' - frequency % 'escape' - stop demonstration % % Paramters: % s - row vector of receptive field sizes % (example and default = [1.0, 2.0]) % rulen - name of rule used for combination of input responses, this % parameter determines which aspect of stimulus controls the circuits % adaptation % (values = 'both' | 'location' | 'frequency') % norm_method - % - method of weight normalization % (values = 'decay' | 'sum') % % Author: Peter Jurica (, % RIKEN Brain Science Institute, Wako-shi, Japan, 2012 % PLOT = 1; if nargout > 0, PLOT = 0; end if nargin < 1, s = [1.0, 2.0]; end if nargin < 2, rulen = 'both'; % 'both' | 'location' | 'frequency' end if nargin < 3, norm_method = 'decay'; % 'decay' | 'sum' end N = length(s); tau = 0.2; gamma = tau/2; fs = 1.0./s; f0 = -(0.25 + max(fs)); f1 = -f0; x0 = -(0.5 + max(s)); x1 = -x0; % stimulus space boundaries g = @(x_, s_) exp(-0.5*(x_./s_).^2); col = 'kgr'; rule = []; set_rule(rulen); if strcmp(norm_method, 'sum') norm_weights = @(w_,w0_) w_./sum(w_); elseif strcmp(norm_method, 'decay') norm_weights = @(w_,w0_) w_ - tau.*w0_; end % random initial condition ws = rand(1,length(s)); % optional visualization if PLOT, title('Dynamics of receptive field size.'); axu = subplot(121); ms = mean(s); ylim([0, 0.25]); plot([ms, ms], ylim(), 'k:'); hold on; wm = (ws*s')./sum(ws); pm = plot([wm, wm], ylim(), 'r--'); xlim([1.4, 1.6]); xbins = linspace(1.4, 1.6, 51); dx = diff(xbins)./2; xx = xbins(1:end-1) + dx; hs = zeros(3,50); ns = zeros(3,50); b(1) = bar(xx, hs(1,:), 'FaceColor', [69,69,69]./255); b(2) = bar(xx, hs(2,:), 'g'); b(3) = bar(xx, hs(3,:), 'r'); ylim([0.0, 0.25]); set(gca, 'XTick', [1.45, 1.5, 1.55]); set(gca, 'YTick', [0.0, 0.1, 0.2]); axis('square'); xlabel('RF size S'); ylabel('p(S_r)'); axw = subplot(122); hold on; box on; Np = 1000; wp = nan(Np, 2, 3); for j = 1:3, pwp(j) = plot(wp(:,1,j), wp(:,2,j), '.', ... 'Color', col(j), 'MarkerSize', 1.0); end axis([0.2,0.4,0.2,0.4]); set(gca, 'XTick', [0.2, 0.3, 0.4]); set(gca, 'YTick', [0.2, 0.3, 0.4]); axis('square'); xlabel('w_1'); ylabel('w_2'); %set(gca, 'Units', 'Pixels'); uicontrol('Style', 'pushbutton', 'String', 'Location', ... 'Position', [ 20 20 150 20], ... 'Callback', {@set_rule_ev,'location'}); uicontrol('Style', 'pushbutton', 'String', 'Both', ... 'Position', [180 20 150 20], ... 'Callback', {@set_rule_ev,'both'}); uicontrol('Style', 'pushbutton', 'String', 'Frequency', ... 'Position', [340 20 150 20], ... 'Callback', {@set_rule_ev,'frequency'}); set(gcf, 'KeyPressFcn', @key); end N_stim = 1; % number of stimuli presented simulatneously % see also first line of the loop Nt = 20; % number of tests y = zeros(Nt, length(s)); c = zeros(size(ws)); Nbuf = 100; wa = zeros(Nbuf, length(ws)); % simulation loop epoch = 1; run = true; s0 = (ws*s')./sum(ws); while run, % generate stimuli N_stim = randi(5); % random number of concurrent stimuli stim_x = x0 + (x1-x0).*rand(Nt, N_stim); stim_f = f0 + (f1-f0).*rand(Nt, N_stim); o = ones(size(stim_x)); % detection occured when both space and feature detections are % succesful for i = 1:length(s), loc = g(stim_x, s(i).*o); % stimulus in space ide = g(stim_f, fs(i).*o); % stimulus in frequency domain % obtain average firing rate for multiple concurrent stimuli loc = mean(loc, 2); ide = mean(ide, 2); % combine results of measurements in the two domain y(:,i) = rule(loc, ide); % add noise, make sure some spikes are present y(:, i) = y(:, i) + 0.1.*randn(size(y(:, i))); end % readout y_r u_r = ws*y'; % adaptive threshold of the output cell % here adaptation is simulated by an additive noise Theta_r = mean(u_r); y_r = u_r > Theta_r + 0.2*randn(size(u_r)); % compute input-readout coincidence rate c = y_r*y./sum(y); % update rule ws_now = ws; ws = ws_now + gamma.*c; ws = norm_weights(ws, ws_now); % update histograms s1 = (ws*s')./sum(ws); if s0 > 1.4 && s0 < 1.6, ds = abs(s1 - s0); bi = floor(50*(s0-1.4)/0.2)+1; hs(wi,bi) = hs(wi,bi) + 100*ds; ns(wi,bi) = ns(wi,bi) + 1; end s0 = s1; % update visualization wp(mod(epoch-1,Np)+1,:,wi) = ws; wa(mod(epoch-1,Nbuf)+1,:) = ws; if PLOT & mod(epoch, 5) == 1 wm = (ws*s')./sum(ws); set(pm, 'XData', [wm, wm]); set(pwp(wi), 'XData', wp(:,1,wi), 'YData', wp(:,2,wi)); set(b(wi), 'YData', ns(wi,:)./sum(ns(wi,:))); drawnow(); end epoch = epoch + 1; end function set_rule_ev(h,a,rulen) set_rule(rulen); end function set_rule(rulen) if strcmp(rulen, 'both') rule = @(a, b) a.*b; wi = 2; elseif strcmp(rulen, 'location') rule = @(a, b) a; wi = 1; elseif strcmp(rulen, 'frequency') rule = @(a, b) b; wi = 3; end disp('Current rule:'), disp(rule); end function key(varargin) if strcmp(varargin{2}.Key, 'escape') == 1, run = false; elseif strcmp(varargin{2}.Key, '1') == 1, set_rule('location'); elseif strcmp(varargin{2}.Key, '2') == 1, set_rule('both'); elseif strcmp(varargin{2}.Key, '3') == 1, set_rule('frequency'); end end end